Days 33 to 34 - at Sea

Tuesday 11th February 2020

Oh happy day, back at sea.  Weather much more pleasant, air much fresher and temperatures back to mid 20’s, some scattered clouds.
And so back to our seaday routine.

Itinerary for the latest segment.

Day 32 - Rio De Janeiro
Days 33 and 34 - at Sea
Day 35 - Montevideo, Uruguay
Days 36 and 37 - Buenos Aires, Argentina
Days 38 and 39 - at Sea
Day 40 - Puerto Madryn, Argentina
Day 41 - at Sea
Day 42 - Beagle Channel
Day 43 - Ushuaia, Argentina
Day 44 - Cape Horn, Chile
Day 45 - Magellan Strait and Punta Arenas, Chile
Day 46 - Amelia Glacier
Day 47 - Pio X Glacier
Day 48 - at Sea
Day 49 - Puerto Montt, Chile
Day 50 - at Sea

Wednesday 12th Feb 2020

Bit wet this morning so catching up on all those little jobs, thankfully some blue sky around, still a very pleasant temperature.

It seems to be taking a little longer at each port to clear the official process.  We suspect this is because the authorities are being extra careful with checking that there is no risk of Coronavirus being brought in with the ship’s passengers and crew.  It seems that many cruise ships in the far east have been diverted or refused entry at various ports because of one ship where the virus is onboard and the perceived risk is having knock on effects.  We are especially glad to be on this ship in this part of the globe and not on Queen Mary 2 who has had their itinerary changed and will not be calling at Hong Kong or Singapore, to avoid bringing the virus onboard, and will circumnavigate Australia with extra ports instead.

Days seem to be lengthening as we get further south away from the equator, also makes for much better sunsets.

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