Days 46 to 48 - at Sea

24th to 26th Feb 2020

Monday 24th Feb 2020

Today sailing through the Chilean Fjords.  Should have been spectacular but clouds very very low and for most of the day a steady rain.  The whole area rather like the Norwegian Fjords, rocky cliffs, a few trees and plenty of waterfalls.  Didn’t appear to be any people nor much wildlife except a few birds.
Arrived at the Amalia Glacier at about 4pm, the glacier, also known as Skua Glacier, a tidewater glacier located in Bernardo O'Higgins National Park on the edge of the Sarmiento Channel. 

The glacier originates in the Southern Patagonian Ice Field.  Weather still poor though views of the glacier still good.  
The water of the fjord has a milky blue/green tinge caused by the fine ground rock suspended in the water, after leaving this soon disappeared further down the fjord.  The ice of the glacier showing that lovely turquoise/blue colouring of highly compressed ice, without air bubbles, despite the lack of good light.  Sadly no good distant views of the Andes behind the glacier.  A couple of hours here pirouetting to give everyone as good a view as possible. 

Tuesday 25th Feb 2020

An early arrival at the Pío XI Glacier, also known as the Brüggen Glacier, is the largest western outflow from the Southern Patagonian Ice Field. 

View as we awoke

Now about 66 km in length, it is the longest glacier in the southern hemisphere outside Antarctica.  Again a couple of hours pirouetting and again weather still low overcast cloud and rain.
Then it’s off again towards the Pacific Ocean. 
Today is Pancake Day, so it’s crepes for lunch, well they are almost pancakes, lemon and sugar accompaniment.  It was going to be pancake races between the different departments of the crew but the inclement weather caused a cancellation, probably too slippery and anyway not conducive for the spectators to stand around watching.
In the late afternoon out into the ocean having traversed the passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific.

Wednesday 26th Feb 2020

A day spent heading north through the Pacific.  The day still overcast but no rain today and also warming up a bit, even a little sun in the afternoon.

This evening the latest South American Voyage cocktail party followed by a show in the theatre “Dance Passion” with the RCTC.

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