Day 12 - St John's Newfoundland (and Labrador)

Wednesday 13th September

Originally an outpost for European fishermen, later one of the first British colonial capital.

Clocks back thirty minutes for today - one of the few places in the world in a half timezone.

Weather not too good today, bit foggy, bit wet and rather cloudy.

Regardless went ashore and walked up the hill, and up and up.  Eventually reached "The Rooms", this is a very smart new building containing the museum, art gallery, archive and a coffee shop.

So coffee first on the 4th floor, with great views over the town and harbour.  Then worked our way down through the sections of the museum, all sorts of exhibits, local and domestic life, wildlife, hunting and fishing, world war one etc. etc.  All very interesting and needed much more time than we had.  Did manage to touch a piece of iceberg stored in a cooler, St John's is known as the iceberg capital, so many of them pass the town in the spring, they even have a tourist season for iceberg watchers!

St John's residents seem to love painting their historic timber clad houses in bright colours, certainly cheers the place up even on a dull day.


Set off back to the ship in the rain, just too wet for further sightseeing.
Spent the afternoon on the ship just chillin'.

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