Day 6 - Halifax, Nova Scotia

Friday 22nd September

Berthed in Halifax, busy spot, three other Cruise Ships in port with us. 
Local Boy Makes Good

Let the early crowd clear and then went ashore to walk along the waterfront boardwalk.  Stopped for coffee and doughnuts and then continued to the Maritime Museum.  All sorts of sea and boat exhibits plus two main features.

One regarding the Halifax explosion.  On 6th December 1917 two ships the Imo and the Mont-Blanc collided.  The collision caused enough sparks to set the Mont-Blanc alight, she was carrying fuel and munitions, the crew abandoned the ship and it drifted ashore.  It then exploded, killing 1650, injuring 9000 and totally destroyed one square mile of the surrounding area as well as seven ships.  The injured and survivors were left without adequate shelter as 12000 buildings were destroyed and nothing for miles left undamaged.  That nights blizzard didn't help matters, but as soon as possible a huge relief operation was started,  Recovery started slowly but soon most of the damaged area was reinstated.  The Coroner for the town who was the son of the Coroner who dealt with the Titanic disaster used the same method of collection of personal items in numbered bags.
Personal Items and Book of Commemoration
Another regarding the sinking of the Titanic.  All sorts of information plus original relics on display.  Local vessels which were used to search for any survivors and the dead, this meant that most of the dead brought ashore arrived in Halifax and of these those not claimed by their families were buried in the local cemetery which we visited on our previous stop here.
A Pirates Fate, a Napoleonic Prisoners Bone Ship and a Titanic Relic

And so back to the ship.

Tonight's production show "Magic to Do".  We saw this show last cruise but it was very good again, even if the magic tricks would be better if seen from much closer. 

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