Day 2 - Newport, Rhode Island

Monday 18th September

Newport, Rhode Island is a millionaires playground, town is surrounded by mansions, many classed by the owners a summer cottages, and the harbour full of very expensive yachts and cruisers.

At anchor this morning so it's tenders to get ashore today.

We had a nice little ride ashore in a local boat which was supporting the ship's tenders in people moving.

Enjoyed a stroll round the town without any great plan or purpose, just nice to be here.


Soon returned to ship by tender, very crowded, and after a coffee went up to Skywalkers Lounge to take in the views.

This evening went to the theatre for "Encore", a show with the Princess Orchestra, the Princess Singers and Dancers supported by a guest soprano.  Mainly classical and operatic numbers, very well presented and performed with a very effective background scenery.

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