Day 3 - Boston, Massachusetts

Tuesday 19th September

Founded in 1630 and now Massachusetts State Capital. Situated at the mouths of the Charles and Mystic Rivers.  A mixture of old and new steeped in American history.  Home to many universities, sites of national importance and the "Sox".

This morning on our approach to Boston, berthed mid-morning.

Today we are taking the Old Town Trolley hop-on-hop-off tour.  Apart from the shambolic organisation by the shore excursion department delaying matters we achieved getting on a trolley.

The route took us round Boston via the Boston Tea Party site, then to the Old North Church area where Paul Revere started his famous midnight ride and on up to Charlestown Navy Yard.  Here we got off to visit the USS Constitution, America's oldest commissioned warship.  She having been built in 1797 and involved in action against the British in 1812.  She remains afloat and has just completing her latest refit.


Back on the bus continued past the "Cheers" bar and Fenway Park, home to the Boston Red Sox baseball team.  Our next stop was at the Prudential Tower, the plan being to lunch at the food court we visited previously, but it was gone, oh disappointment.


Continued back on the trolley through Boston and back to the ship.


The weather had been overcast all day with very low cloud shrouding to tops of skyscrapers but quite warm and only some rain first thing.

Captain's sailaway announcement included information about Hurricane Jose which is 200 miles south of us and heading north.

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