Day 7 - Reykjavik, Iceland

Friday 8th September

Capital and largest city of Iceland, about 50% of Iceland's population

Berthed in Reykjavik.   Today's plan was to take one of the bus options into Reykjavik town centre, never actually managed to get there, the weather was just too nice and the temptations of the balcony just too great.  Added to that the Iceland Wear shop just by the ship down on the dock had free wi-fi which reached the ship and allowed, even if rather slowly, internet access for some updates and browsing.

View of Reykjavik Cathedral from the ship
Very busy evening.  Firstly the Icelandic folkloric show.  Not particularly folkloric though it was Icelandic.  It was in fact Hera Bjork singing with a small group of musicians, she being Iceland's, and previously Denmark's, Eurovision Contest entrant.  Certainly had a very good voice and sang a selection of pop songs, some Icelandic songs and some Eurovision numbers.

Off to the main dining room for dinner tonight, crabcakes followed by scallops for one, melon followed by cowboy strip steak for the other.  Four entertaining American table companions tonight.

Straight after dinner off to the Fusion Lounge to watch a rebroadcast of the opening game of the NFL, New England v Kansas City.  Good atmosphere, mostly US audience, though not as many as might be expected.

Time for bed, but, just as we got back to our room the bridge announced that the Northern Lights were displaying off the starboard bow.  So up we went to join what seemed like the bulk of the passengers to enjoy the display.  Could have been a better display and weather conditions better but all in all the display did not disappoint and was a real bonus to the cruise.

Northern Lights looked much better in real life and on the camera, but you get the idea

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