Day 51 - San Antonio, Chile

Itinerary for the next sector 

29th Feb - San Antonio, Chile
1st Mar - Coquimbo, Chile
2nd Mar - at Sea
3rd Mar - Arica, Chile
4th Mar - at Sea
5th to 6th Mar - Callao, Peru (overnight)
7th Mar - at Sea
8th Mar - Manta, Equador
9th Mar - at Sea
10th Mar - Fuerte Amador, Panama
11th Mar - Transit  Panama Canal
12th Mar - Cartagena, Colombia
13th Mar - at sea
14th Mar - Curacao
15th and 16th Mar - at Sea 
17th Mar - Port Everglades, USA

Saturday 29th Feb 2020

San Antonio is a Chilean city, commune and the capital of the San Antonio Province in the Valparaíso Region. It is the hub of the fishing area that spans the Chilean coast from Rocas de Santo Domingo to Cartagena.  It is also the port for access to Valparaiso and Chile’s capital Santiago.

Todays port of call is the end of the segment, therefore point at which there is a change of passengers, thankfully not too many though a significant number causing a significant disruption to our settled routine.  It should only be a couple of days before the newbies find their niches and things return to normal.

As tempting as the tour options are for Valparaiso and for Santiago we just couldn’t face the prospect of a couple of hours each way in the coach as well as the whole excursions being about 8 hours.

On board for the morning tried out another “sport”, baggo, basically throwing a bean bag at a board with a hole/target, sounds simple, sadly we didn’t win.   Having decided to stay local we just took a short walk from the cruise terminal, this again just another shed at the edge of a container port.  It proved to be very short walk as the surroundings were very dubious and not at all an attractive prospect for a pleasant afternoon stroll, so much for San Antonio.

The weather continued overcast again all day and temperature pleasant enough as we carry on in our northward journey.

Soon after 7.00pm we sailed for Coquimbo, a distance of 228 nautical miles.

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