Days 66 to 67 at Sea

15th to 16th March 2020

Sunday 15th March 2020
at Sea

All the usual onboard passtimes plus endless discussion on the next stage of what’s to happen.
The official line is confirmed that we will continue to Port Everglades to arrive early morning and discharge passengers but no new passengers, the crew do not get the option as new crew can’t join the existing crew must soldier on.
Tonight the South America Voyage cocktail party, everyone looking very smart and elegant in their best togs. 

Monday 16th march 2020
at Sea

Ever onward today cruising up along the coast of Cuba.
Weather continues very pleasant.
Today’s latest is that we will reach Southampton a couple of days early with the option to stay onboard until the next day and then everyone must leave, still one day early.

This afternoon the Country Fayre, games and auctions in aid of charity.

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