Day 61 - Panama City, Panama from Fuerte Amador

Tuesday 10th Mar 2020

Fuerte Amador is situated at the Pacific entrance to the Panama Canal, it is on a man-made one-mile causeway, created by connecting four small islands with rocks excavated from the Panama Canal, extending out into the Pacific Ocean.  The causeway also affords a panoramic view of Panama City's impressive skyline and serves as the home for the Smithsonian Institute of Tropical Research.
Panama City, the capital of Panama, is a modern city framed by the Pacific Ocean and man-made Panama Canal. Casco Viejo, its cobblestoned historic centre, is famed for colonial-era landmarks like the neoclassical Palacio Presidencial and bougainvillea-filled plazas lined with cafes and bars.

Today a tender port, we arrived about 7am and anchored for the day.  The first ship’s excursions were due to start at about 8am.  But local checks and procedures meant that the ship was not cleared to start tender operations until well after 10.30am.  This virus stuff is starting to have greater and greater effects on our progress even though no cases on board and hopefully no cases coming onboard from our ports of call, better safe than sorry!

The tender trip taking around 40 minutes plus time after each trip to sanitise the tenders.  Open tendering, without a queue or a ticket not until after 2pm.  We decided the hassle just not worth it so stayed on board and just enjoyed the views.

A very pleasant day on a quiet ship, always so nice when only a few people about, rather hot though, a sunny 27 degrees at 10am, about 32 in the early afternoon.

The last tender back from the shore at just about dusk, the ship staying at anchor overnight ready for a very short, 2nm,  sail round to take up our place in the queue for the Panama Canal.  Taking advantage of the overnight stay we are being treated this evening to a barbecue on the open deck.  Very good with all sorts of food, very crowded, seems like just about everyone is there, it must be very quiet in the dining room.

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