Day 52 - Coquimbo, Chile

Sunday 1st Mar 2020

Coquimbo is a port city, commune and capital of the Elqui Province, located on the Pan-American Highway, in the Coquimbo Region of Chile. Coquimbo is situated in a valley 10 km south of La Serena, with which it forms Greater La Serena with more than 400,000 inhabitants.

Another berth in a commercial port, this time with a very nice view of what could be best described as an upmarket favela.

This one actually seems to form part of the city, be it on a very steep slope where some streets have resorted to very colourful steps instead of road.  Plenty of colourfully painted houses  which certainly add highlights to the view.  Good views up to the “Cross of the 3rd Millennium”, a prominent landmark of the city.

St David’s Day today, as we were reminded several times by the Welsh entertainment host at the days trivia contests, no daffodils or leeks about in these parts though!

An overcast morning spent on-board then in the afternoon the sun came out and it warmed up nicely.  Time to go ashore for for a walk along the promenade, this complete with the requisite souvenir stalls and fish market.  At least the fish have attracted sealions and pelicans to add some attractions to the place, nice enough though.

One of the main tourist options here, apparently mainly for the locals, is a sail round the bay in a replica pirate ship, decorated with shredded black sails (a’la the Flying Dutchman in Pirates of the Caribbean), skeletons and jolly roger.  This to recognise the legends hereabouts of the pirate Sir Francis Drake, at least the Chileans don’t still hold a grudge about his plundering of the Spanish treasure ships, interesting how history changes depending on your point of view.
A very accomplished brass band playing a musical farewell from the dock to wish us on our way.

Soon after 6.30pm we sailed for Arica a distance of 696 nautical miles.

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