Days 78 to 79 - Alongside, Southampton QE2 berth

Friday 27th to Saturday to 28th March 2020

Hanging it out here for as long as possible, well why leave just to shop, cook and isolate?  Luckily entertainment continues with trivias etc, less competition so managed a couple more wins, there’s always an upside.

Many more leaving Friday morning, ship getting very quiet now.  Had to get on with the packing despite our best efforts.  All getting too near the end now.  At least we can have a hug with all our new friends before we go, could be the last for a while as not allowed to get within 2m of anyone in the UK!

Saturday morning not quite so rushed as a normal last day, no new passengers to prepare for as no more cruises in the present circumstances.

Our car was delivered back to us without trouble despite all the possible hiccups with days and times, so all good.

Headed home through the ghost town conditions, weird.

Home again!

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