Day 4 at Sea

16th October 2023

Today at sea making very, very slow progress towards Rotterdam.  Weather still fine with cool breezes and sunny intervals.

Once more breakfast in the buffet, again everyone else having the same idea, for some reason the restaurant breakfast service finishes so early I can’t imagine they get much business.

Hoping for morning coffee in the Euribia Lounge but it was much too busy with kids games going on.  So it’s the chocolate shop for us, thought we might try one of their hot chocolates, with a nice whipped cream topping, delicious.

Everywhere seemed awfully busy, so back to our cabin for a bit of peace and quiet, and to take advantage of our nice comfy settee.  

A nice afternoon walk round the top deck, weather really quite pleasant on the sunny side, shame the sun wasn’t on our balcony, could have made full use of it, the other day going the other way it rained, ah well luck of the draw.

Five o’clock and it’s the Captain’s Cocktails, in the Skylounge for Diamond Members, that’s us and a much more select numbers of other guests.

This is a bit more like it, proper wine, etc, and proper canapés.

Quick intro by the Cruise Director to present Captain Chris Pugh and several of the senior officers.  Enough time devoted by the officers to say hello and clink glasses with the guests, spoke with the Captain who hails from Birmingham, a nice little seafaring community!

The wine must have been even better than expected, so a little the worst for wear it’s off to dinner (doesn’t say much for the alcohol content of the cocktails).

This evening’s entertainment in the theatre, Circus 1920’s, a mixture of acrobatics, an arial show and a strong man all accompanied by singing and dancing.

On our return to the cabin our welcome onboard bottle of Prosecco with macaroons and a chocolate gift had turned up, better late than never.

First signs of sniffles, maybe coming down with a cold, let’s hope for the best.

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