Days 5 and 6 Rotterdam, Netherlands

17th and 18th October 2023

Rotterdam is a major port in the province of South Holland.  The Maritime Museum’s vintage ships and exhibits trace the city’s seafaring history.  The Delftshaven district is home to canalside shopping and the Pilgrim Father’s Church.  Almost completely rebuilt after WWII it is now known for bold modern architecture.

Tuesday 17th

Today the first of two days berthed in Rotterdam, nice central location just below the Erasmus Bridge.  Weather continues cool and bright.

Once more it’s breakfast in the buffet, couldn’t quite believe it when the new passengers who were coming on board here were already on board in time for breakfast!  Makes it even less understandable and more irritating that we couldn’t board until 3pm in Southampton, aargh.

So first it’s a walk from the ship, for call at the local supermarket for a few essentials, the shop had bit of an odd clientele, most of them looked like night club bouncers coming off shift getting their breakfasts, seems bit late!

Pressing on round the docks and over one of the causeways onto the next island to view the old Holland and America Rotterdam cruise ship, now a museum item.  Circling round to go back past the old Holland and America offices, this now the New York Hotel, retaining many features of it’s origin in the stonework decorations.

And so it’s back to Euribia for a welcome sit down and some lunch.

After lunch it’s a walk across the Erasmus Bridge to view the sights of town.  Weaving through past all sorts of waterways, everywhere there seem to be old docks and harbours.

First stop at the Cubic Houses, very interesting innovative architectural design,  must be really strange homes to live in and almost impossible to furnish!  Queue to visit the one open house much too long.  

Just across the road is the Markethall.  Another interesting design, this is a huge arched enclosure, the walls of the vertical flanks  have apartments built in, handy use of otherwise wasted space.  The inside surface decorated with murals of fruit and veg etc.  The ends fully glazed.

The return walk to Euribia went past the Maritime Museum, lots of historic ships, harbour machinery and a lighthouse.

Time for some “afternoon snacks”, very much like the menu for dinner but seemed more to our liking than dinner, also quite a bit quieter.

Tonight’s entertainment in the theatre Nathan James.  A one man show singing to backing tracks, mostly “Rock Legends” numbers, not the most impressive show.

Time for a little supper in the buffet before relaxing in the cabin.  Weather remained bright and breezy all day.

Wednesday 18th

Overnight berthed in Rotterdam. Weather somewhat cooler and more cloudy today.

Nothing planned ashore so the day spent onboard relaxing, strolling the top deck, eating and drinking!

Departure about 5pm, so plenty of time to sit with a good view of the riverside, always interesting to view the waterfront industries and many historic leftovers, including a very smart house, not now in the best location.

The evenings theatre entertainment didn’t seem too attractive so once more back to the cabin.

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