Day 6 - Gibraltar

Thursday 30th November 2023

This morning it’s Gibraltar, already been raining here and it’s pretty cloudy.  Let’s hope for an improvement.

Rather slow again today, just the buffet left for breakfast again, a nice enough option but it would be nice to have a choice of venue if they didn’t stop serving so early, well early for us, we are on holiday!

Only a short stay here so as it’s already late no point in walking into town.  So after coffee the promenade will suffice for a walk round especially as the weather has improved with a watery sun and a quite pleasant temperature.  

All aboard should be 2pm, but at 2pm there was still a very, very long queue of returning passengers waiting to board.  In fact the queue ran all the way from the ship through the port building and up the street at least to the port gate, looks like we’ll be late away.

The Queue

At least it gave us some entertainment on our perambulations as the queue dwindled until about 3pm, when the Captain announced we’ll be off soon and thanks to everyone getting back promptly!

The Rock

After departure settled down to a bit of dolphin watching as we sailed out through the narrows and into the Atlantic , nothing, not one, most disappointing.

Spot of afternoon tea to keep us going until this evenings theatre show.

Tonight it’s the Headliners with “Digital”.  A themed show with lots of songs and medleys with plenty of dancing and some very smart outfits with lights showing very well in reduced background lighting.

Dinner tonight in the Quays with a little cheese and digestives in the cabin to close the day.

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