Day 4 - Vigo, Spain

Tuesday 28th November 2023

Breakfast in the buffet, coffee in the Vista.

Misty and dull weather, though a mild 15 degC, had a walk round the prom, not nice enough to venture ashore, so stayed on board.

A wet day in Vigo

Late lunch in The Olive Grove, mediterranean fare, lasagne particularly good.

Back to the cabin to watch “Death on the Nile”, Kenneth Branagh’s Hercule Poirot.

Short intermission to nip to the theatre to see ”Classical Graphitti”, four musicians, three violins and one cello, playing and singing various classical pieces with a strong comic overtone, very good, well appreciated by the audience.

Up to the Skydome for a hot dog and to watch tonights aerial show, “Sparks”.

Then it’s back for part two of Hercule.

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