Day 5 - at Sea

Wednesday 29th November 2023

Another early start in the pitch dark, a red sky sunrise while enjoying our morning drinks, sailor take warning?

Up so early we made it to the Aqua Restaurant for breakfast, all very civilised and a good selection all served very nicely.

Morning trivia, no prize, then a few turns of the prom, weather pretty good now getting further south.

Sun eventually got round to our balcony so took advantage to enjoy with a cuppa and a spot of cake.

Just can’t get used to the ship being so stable, whatever the sea’s doing you just don't notice any movement and sailaways are not noticeable even with thrusters going full blast, all very disconcerting, you wouldn’t know you are at sea without a view of the sea gliding by.

Just a light afternoon snack today, need to leave plenty of space for dinner in the Beach House tonight.

Beach House menu very little changed and prices only risen a little from previous cruises.

Nachos starter still delicious.

Steaks on Lava Rock quite fantastic.  Only drawback being there is just the 10oz steak on offer, no 7oz now.

Wow! that’s one huge steak, Lava sizzling well. Superbly tender, enough meat in each steak for us to do two Sunday roasts for two!  Made it through the steak with the help of a glass of wine to wash it down.

Squeezed in a half share in a banana split to follow.

Recovery and digest back in cabin, perhaps a bit less noisy in the cabin tonight, or are we just getting used to it, thump, thump, thump.

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