Day 1 Southampton

Sunday 7th January 2018

Southampton is a modern, historic city which is rich in maritime heritage. It also boasts an impressive cultural offering from museums, parks, music venues and art galleries to the vibrant nightlife, numerous restaurants and fantastic shopping facilities. Close to Southampton is the beautiful New Forest National Park famous for its free roaming ponies and wildlife.

And we’re off.
Sunny day with a cold NE wind.

Short drive down to Mayflower cruise terminal.  Sent the car off for it’s holiday somewhere in a muddy field?

Cruise consists of seven sectors :-
First Sector - Southampton to New York.
Southampton 7th January
Hamilton, Bermuda 14th January
New York, New York, USA, 16th January 

More as we get to them.

Soon on board, excellent stateroom, time to make a start on all the food we have got to get through before the end of the cruise.

Returned to stateroom to face the prospect of unpacking and  finding somewhere to keep everything.  Abandoned the job in favour of seeing the British Imperial Military Band playing in the Queen’s Room, a group of retired musicians from the armed forces, they gave us an exhibition of brass band renditions of some old favourites.

Soon time to get togged up in all our winter gear to go out on deck for the sailaway, somewhat delayed by other traffic, thankfully not too long, and away down for a last Au revoir and then to enjoy the fireworks display.

Time to warm up with a light dinner in the buffet before a return to the unpacking and an early night, usual problem with the sea air tiring us out.

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