Day 3 at sea

Tuesday 9th January 2018

Weather sunny skies, windy with quite a big swell making for quite a bit of movement of the ship.

Today Queen Victoria has caught us up for a tandem crossing to Bermuda,  each noon we will get quite close to exchange fog horn signals and to give us all a view of how our ship must be moving up and down.

Leisurely day catching up on chores.

This evening Captain’s reception for early Britannia diners, certainly not many attendees, do we blame the weather?

There are 1883 passengers from 34 countries on board and 973 crew from 52 countries to look after us.

Formal dinner follows, quite a few gaps here too.

Then to the theatre, nice early arrival meant we could get a box for viewing tonight’s entertainment.  Tonight it’s Anette Wardell, a Yorkshire soprano singing favourites from stage, screen and opera.

Fair effort for a soprano, sorry about my bias against soprano’s voices, she was well appreciated by the rest of the audience, even if they were rather few.  However Anette’s rendering of ‘Over the Rainbow”, unaccompanied, was worth all the rest put together, and more. Bravo!

Enough for today.

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