Day 19 at Sea

Thursday 25th January 2018

Today running parallel to the coast of South America, mainly Columbia, quite breezy with the Trade Winds and a white capped sea.

Hoping for some dolphin spotting, but not looking promising.  Not much going on today so just in and out of the sun squeezing in the occasional snack.

Dinner tonight in the main restaurant, Burns Night tonight, so its Haggis, Neeps and Tatties.  Tasted OK but I recon it would be a total embarrassment to any Scot onboard.

Haggis, Neeps and Tatties, just a starter!

Off to the theatre tonight for the Cunard Singers and Dancers production of “Palladium Nights”, a tribute to the TV programme.  A selection of numbers by featured artists such as Tom Jones.

Finished the evening off with watching the “Address to the Haggis” in the Queens Room.  A reading of the words of Robbie Burns in Scots with an English translation.  The haggis on display looked a bit more convincing!

Clocks back again tonight.

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