Day 17 at Sea

Tuesday 23rd January 2018

Late start today, body clock all over the place.  Luckily nothing waiting for our attention.

Morning trivia and breakfast out of the way got slicked up with sun screen and went out on deck to enjoy our first proper sunny day.  Still rather windy but very warm, with just a light mist of salt spray rising from the ship’s bow. 

Trying to avoid any excess of rays moved in under cover for a late coffee and then went to the matinee performance by The McDonald Brothers, another excellent show, they certainly are a talented pair.  Just goes to show what can be achieved if you start your music lessons when you are 6 or 7 and start performing in public when aged 9, then with a bit of luck and getting on a televised talent show  you can create a career in music.

Dinner tonight in the main restaurant, the first time we have sat down to our dinner before sunset! 

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