Day 10 New York, New York, USA

Tuesday 16th January 2018

This morning sailed into New York, before dawn, and berthed at Pier 88 in Manhattan.

Everybody up early this morning as all of the passengers and crew have to go through US Immigration, everybody off the ship before anyone is allowed back on even if not planning a visit to the city.   US Health Authority also needed and a full crew drill to prove to the US Coast Guard that the ship’s procedures are safe.

We decided to start our day, once ashore, to walk across to Time Square, 

the big attraction being the M&M shop!

We were the first customers into the shop this morning, at a couple of minutes after 9am,  I guess early starts have some advantage, no queue here.  Photo stops in Times Square and then a much appreciated morning coffee.  Certainly jolly chilly this morning, ice on deck of QE and quite a bit floating on the Hudson River.

Looped round and walked back to the river to check out the Circle Line Boat Tours, as suspected the round trip which we fancied is off today because of the ice, the alternative routes were not too our liking so headed back to the ship.  

As we arrived back at the terminal those folk who had got off the ship to wait to get back on were just starting to do so.  Time for a warm up and a spot of lunch.

Took part in a quiz about musicals, luckily not too many participants, so managed our first win, got a couple of stamps on our prize card, perhaps now we’re off our duck we might get a few more.

Dinner tonight in the buffet, seemed much too much trouble to go to the main restaurant.

Off to the Royal Court Theatre this evening for a one time show by a star of New York Stage Shows, his name escapes me at present but more info to follow tomorrow, just using up some of the last of my internet allowance before our next cruise segment.
Quick update, for your information his name is Bobby Conte Thornton, he is notably the lead in A Bronx Tale, apparently a cross between West Side Story and The Jersey Boys.

1 comment:

  1. Great pics of New York! Very jealous! Though maybe not of the cold!
