Days 21 and 22 at Sea

Saturday and Sunday 26th and 27th January 2018

Saturday.  Cruising across the Gulf of Panama, light winds, calm seas and lots of sun today.  Coast of Panama sometimes just visible in the distance.  The ship being followed by seabirds, Brown Boobies (these look like Gannets in disguise).  Spotted a few flying fish, which seem to be the target prey of the Boobies, and the occasional Turtle.  Still a dearth of Dolphins.

Sunday.  Continuing north(ish) just out of sight of the coasts of  Costa Rica, Nicaragua and El Salvador.  Another lovely day, still being followed by the Boobies.  Still in the Trade Winds, slightly stronger today and more whitecaps.
Today is “Sports Day” for the ships crew and staff.  All good fun  entertainment with a selection of slightly silly races and fancy dress competitions.  Just before the final race things rather interrupted by the appearance of a large pod of Dolphins leaping alongside the ship.  Our first proper sighting.  Meanwhile the team of the Singers and Dancers won the sports day prize.

Also today more turtles and what appeared to be rays leaping out of the sea.

This afternoon the NFL Pro-Bowl was on the TV.  So took a break form the deck to enjoy some American Football.

Dinner again tonight in the main restaurant followed by a trip to the theatre for the Cunard Singers with the full Cunard Orchestra, all 19 of them, with tonight’s show “Sing”, a mix of contemporary musical theatre, pop and classic songs.

Clocks back again tonight.

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