Days 12 and 13 at Sea

Thursday and Friday 18th and 19th January 2018

Heading south now hopefully leaving winter behind.

Second Sector - New York to San Francisco

17th Jan - New York, USA
20th Jan - Fort Lauderdale, USA
22nd Jan - Ocho Rios, Jamaica
24th Jan - Oranjestad, Aruba
26th Jan - Panama Canal Transit
29th Jan - Puerto Quetzal, Guatemala
1st Feb - Cabo San Lucas, Mexico
4th Feb - San Francisco, USA

Thursday 18th January

Woke this morning to a very strange weather phenomenon, “sea smoke”, now I know what Deep Purple were singing about in “Smoke on the Water”!  Apparently the reason is that the sea is at 18 centigrade and the air at just 0.5.  Looks just like a hot cup of tea on a cold day.

This morning an insights lecture by Dr Elizabeth Cunningham on the Life Cycle of Stars, looks like the human race has only got five billion years to make a new home somewhere else in the universe before the Earth becomes engulfed by the death throes of our Sun.  We had better get on with it, judging by progress so far.

I expect you are all fed up with our routine stops at trivia, quizzes and food breaks, so take them as read, we can just about fit them in to our busy schedule.

This evening off to the Royal Court Theatre for the Cunard Singers and Dancers with their “Hollywood Nights” show.  An excellent production which just emphasised that they are singers and dancers and are not actors.  Made up for the failings of their previous show.

Friday 19th January

Weather gladly is actually warming up and the sea flattening out nicely.  We must be doing something right.

A second lecture by Dr Cunningham this morning, this time on the dangers of radiation in space and particularly on future missions to Mars.  History has shown it was more by luck than science that  the Apollo astronauts didn’t die of radiation on their moon missions.

Before we go to Mars some froward thinking will needed more akin to science fiction and “Star Trek” than science will be needed for a successful outcome, luckily there are ideas being looked into.

Actually managed to make proper use of our balcony to sit out and enjoy a cup of tea while reading.  Not much sun but warm enough.

This evenings entertainment in the theatre was “Duo Gold Art”, just a little strange, a couple who served up a mixed performance of a cross between a magic act and an acrobatic act.  Some quite entertaining bits and some impressive strength and balance.

After the show spent some time in the atrium working on a Jan Van Hasteren jigsaw and listening to the resident pianist playing requests., very pleasant.

Arrived in Fort Lauderdale very late tonight.  Captain had announced that we would speed up to allow for the evacuation of a medical emergency case.  No one else allowed ashore till our scheduled arrival time tomorrow, so that’s it for today.

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