Day 15 at Sea

Sunday 21st January 2018

A chance for recuperation as we sail south moving away from Florida and skirting around the dangerous reefs and shallows of the Bahamas.  Navigated our way down the Old Bahama Channel, a deep water route following the north coast of Cuba, in the evening passed between Cuba and Hispaniola and set course for Jamaica.

The day being warm but quite cloudy lent itself to taking advantage of a couple of insight lectures.
The morning lecture by civil engineer John Laverick about the seven wonders of the canal system of Great Britain as voted for in 1957 with a couple of additions added after a more recent vote changed just two of the original seven.

The afternoon lecture by Dr Elizabeth Cunningham on Dark Matter and Dark Energy.  These apparently make up 95% of the universe but no-one has any evidence of what they are.  Seems like they have been surmised by scientists to explain why things don’t work as they should by current theory and to enable hundreds of scientists to keep themselves in work trying to find these elusive particles.

Another formal night tonight, so dinner in the main restaurant, but no cocktail party, new world cruisers who joined us in New York are still waiting for their Welcome!

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