Day minus 1

Saturday 6th January 2018

The day has finally almost arrived, feels like we’ve been packing for a week, Oh, we have been packing for a week.

All the leftovers from Christmas eaten up and the house cleaning accomplished, trusting of course that the dust will not reappear while we are away and the spiders won’t make any webs.

Just a few cases, so not much left in the wardrobe, let’s hope it all will go in the car for transport to Southampton and the cruise terminal.

Looking forward to the firework display as we start off sailing down the Solent.  Expecting cold weather but no storms at least for the first part of the crossing of the Bay of Biscay.

First stop Hamilton, Bermuda, nice long southerly sweep across the Atlantic, planned to avoid North Atlantic winter storms,  and looking for warmer climes.

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