Day 9 Southampton

Tuesday 30th April 2019

Heading north overnight, sailing distance 78 nm to Southampton.

Fairly early morning arrival to our berth at Southampton’s City Terminal, actually just by Mayflower Park.

Usual final bits to sort then ashore to a very nice warm morning of sunny weather.

Day 8 Le Havre, France

Monday 29th April 2019

Le Havre is a major port in northern France's Normandy region, where the Seine River meets the English Channel. It's joined to the city across the estuary, Honfleur, by the Pont de Normandie cable-stayed bridge. Following WWII, Le Havre's heavily damaged city centre was famously redesigned by Belgian architect Auguste Perret. Today it features many landmark examples of reinforced-concrete architecture.

Hazy morning with a cool breeze whilst berthed in Le Havre.

Not much available on the list of excursions today and a very busy queue to join the shuttle bus into town, decided against a visit to the town, we have never found anything of huge interest to us to visit here and the concrete buildings can be a bit depressing.  So it’s time again to take advantage of a quiet ship and to not do too much.

I knew shipping containers were useful for something

Quite good views over the town and lots of shipping in and out of the port, weather improved steadily during the day to reach a very pleasant evening.  Sadly it’s also time to get on with the packing and sorting out ready for the end of the cruise.

Day 7 at Sea

Sunday 28th April 2019

Heading West today, sailing distance 449nm to Le Havre.

First a visit to immigration to get passports checked, very quick. Breakfast buffet absolutely packed, must be something to do with first day of a new cruise.  No real holdups, just seems really busy.  Then off to the morning trivia, a bit better today, more normal questions, must watch more Coronation Street, East Enders, Home and Away, etc. (I don’t think!) we would get more right answers if we had!  Still managed a win so one of the cruise targets achieved.

Weather remains good, mostly sunny though a cool breeze, definitely need a sheltered spot to sit out.

After a prom round the deck and a sit on the balcony in the sun tried out the Phoenician Plaza for a sandwich, a slice of cake and a half share in a banana split for lunch, all very good.

Another trip to the theatre tonight, this time it’s “The Mask”.  Seemed like a very similar show with more or less the same acts with some new costumes (including a green faced man) and some slightly different songs and dances.  

Day 6 Hamburg, Germany

Saturday 27th April 2019

Hamburg, a major port city in northern Germany, is connected to the North Sea by the Elbe River. It's crossed by hundreds of canals, and also contains large areas of parkland. Near its core, Inner Alster lake is dotted with boats and surrounded by cafes. The city's central Jungfernstieg boulevard connects the Neustadt (new town) with the Altstadt (old town), home to landmarks like 18th-century St. Michael’s Church.

This morning already in Hamburg.  Clear skies, looking good.  Lots of changes in passengers today, folk with cases and coats all over the place.  After breakfast collected up bits and pieces for a trip ashore.

Not taking advantage of the ships tours, not much on offer as MSC concentrating on “end of cruise” rather than “in transit”.

So it’s a walk down to the Old Elbe Tunnel to cross the river into the city.  About an easy 30 minute walk to the tunnel through a not too inspiring industrial area.

Mainly pedestrians and cyclists passing through, though the lifts and tunnels do accommodate cars, none today.  The tunnels are deep below river/ground accessed by lifts and stairs, over 130 steps down - and then up again!

The tunnels well lit and clean as well as decorated with various reliefs depicting marine life, all very nice except maybe the reliefs of what appear to be rats!

Spent a bit of time viewing the river and it’s busy traffic.  Lots of local river ferries, tour boats, commercial traffic and cruise ships as well as ships in dry dock and floating dry docks.

Then the return to the ship for some quality time sitting in the sun on deck whilst all the new passengers arrive, and continued to arrive into the evening.

Weather stayed delightfully warm and sunny until a little after 3pm when the clouds rolled in and brought a little drizzle.

Luckily good internet in the cruise terminal which overspilled as far as our stateroom, a good opportunity to update everything.

Dinner in the buffet, lots of new passengers boarded today, mainly German and many of more senior years, they certainly seem well practised wandering around and in getting in the way, feels more like a proper cruise now.

Late sailaway off down the River Elbe.  Lots of lights on the bank and lots of shipping on the river - very close!  Shame we never seem to get a trip down the river during daylight.

Day 5 at Sea

Friday 26th April 2019

Heading south today, sailing distance 375 nm to Hamburg.

Weather still mostly cloudy though some signs of blue sky promises for an improvement.

Tried our second quiz today, the rather strange word association game again, did even worse today, not certain our brains are wired up the same as the quizmaster.

This morning it’s the welcome back cocktails party.  Not sure about these morning drinking events!  Also a funny day for a welcome!

Sun came out for a while, then some rain, then just dull followed by a bit brighter, the weather can’t make up it’s mind today. On the days when no-one goes on deck it does make for a busy ship.

And this afternoon off to our second cocktail party of the day, this time it’s a “Highly Exclusive” event for Black Card holders of the MSC Voyagers Club.  A  step up in drink selection for this one, also refreshments provided, well the canapés came round once then disappeared back into the kitchens never to be seen again!

This evening off to the theatre for the show, tonight it’s “the best of”, another mixture of the previous shows, it was mostly the same as the one we saw a couple of days ago with some slight changes in the routines.

Then to the buffet for supper and a spectacular sunset at the back of the ship.  

Bodes well for tomorrow, we could do with some sailor’s delight.  Already joining the shipping lanes for Hamburg, more lights and more ships in evidence.

Day 4 Oslo, Norway

Thursday 25th April 2019

Oslo, the capital of Norway, sits on the country’s southern coast at the head of the Oslofjord. It’s known for its green spaces and museums. Many of these are on the Bygdøy Peninsula, including the waterside Norwegian Maritime Museum and the Viking Ship Museum, with Viking ships from the 9th century. The Holmenkollbakken is a ski-jumping hill with panoramic views of the fjord. It also has a ski museum.

This morning already berthed in Oslo when we woke up, right alongside the Ankershus Fortress and Castle.  Weather not looking too good, rather overcast and some light rain about, but wind very light.

Usual busy breakfast, maybe not quite so busy today - no queues to get in anyway.  Then time to get ready for a trip ashore.  Today it’s our plan to join the Hop-on-Hop-off bus for the sightseeing tour of Oslo.

A bit of a wait for the bus, a bit busy as you can guess, then quite a scrum to board but all’s well and we found a very good couple of seats.  Bus took us on a roundabout tour of the roadworks of the city incidentally passing most landmarks, like the National Opera House, the Munch Museum, the Norwegian Parliament, the Royal Palace, the Vigeland Sculpture Park (a very busy stop this one, a mad rush by hundreds of people pushing at the front and middle doors of the bus to get on and also people trying to get off at the same time (well it felt like hundreds trying to get onto a already standing room only bus)) and then the next stop Norsk Folkmuseum.

Fish drying rack being used for less odorous drying  

Opera House

Next stop was ours The Viking Ship Museum luckily a lot of people got off here.  Dutifully paid our entry fee and entered the Museum.  Housed here are the remains of three Viking Ship Burials, two in exceptional condition, along with many artefacts and grave goods.  Not to mention the remains of the last occupants of the ships on whom so much pomp and ceremony had been lavished.

The main exhibits being the ships and associated maritime items was accompanied with more items related to the burials.

A quite fantastic collection of original Viking workmanship very well preserved, many carved and decorated wooden items, wagons, sledges and domestic utensils. Even the remains of tapestries with a discernible image of the original designs of horses, wagons and warriors.  Also woven fabrics - wool, linen and silk - all about 1200 years old,  everything very well displayed and captioned.

Back on the bus for the continuation of our tour, passed the Kon-Tiki Museum, the Maritime Museum and the Nobel Peace Centre before returning to the start point.

Back on board ship in time for a well earned late lunch.

Back to an easy routine for the rest of the afternoon, just a few laps of the prom and catching up on relaxation.

Dinner in the buffet as we sailed away at dusk.  The channel out certainly was very narrow in places and the ship sometimes felt very close to the houses along the shore.

Day 3 at Sea

Wednesday 24th April 2019

Heading north today, sailing distance 544 nm to Oslo.

Rather overcast start today with a stiff breeze, looks like the sky may be  brightening.  Sadly though the cloud never cleared.

Our favourite spot at the back of the buffet,
 usually quieter and with views over the sea

A quiet sea day spent at our first MSC quiz (no win though a good effort), morning coffee, followed by a search for a nice comfortable lounge (no luck here either) and an afternoon snack in the Sports and Bowling Bar, burger and onion rings accompanied by the rattle and crash of the bowling topped off with youthful tantrums!

Skipped the pleasure of meeting Captain Stefano Aiello for cocktails and  the delights of dressing up for a “Gala Evening”.

So tonight it’s off to the Platinum Theatre for some entertainment by the MSC Preziosa International Dancers and Artists, “Ghostbusters”.

As a surprise opening to the show the Captain and the Chief Officers had  their introduction to the passengers, each nationality had their own welcome from the Captain in their own language, all to much applause.

Then it was the show, a real eclectic mix of singing, dancing, an aerial act, a contortionist, a couple of acrobatic groups and a disappearing act, all very good but all seemed a bit unusual as a cruise line show.

A quick supper before off to bed ready for tomorrow in Oslo.

Day 2 Zeebrugge, Belgium

Tuesday 23rd April 2019

Zeebrugge is a Belgian port and seaside resort. It's linked to the city of Bruges by the Baudouin Canal. The old fish market in the marina houses Seafront, a theme park focusing on the local seafaring and fishing heritage. Exhibits include a Russian submarine. In nearby Knokke-Heist, the For Freedom Museum evokes the area’s WWII history through dioramas. West along the coast are the De Fonteintjes wetland and dunes.

Overnight sailing to Zeebrugge 167 nm.  Quite a late arrival into our berth, not until about 10.30 am.  Seriously busy in the breakfast buffet, amazingly so.  We didn’t partake until all quietened down about 11ish, found a very comfortable spot with nice views over the ship and port to wait.

As you might imagine on such a cosmopolitan ship the announcements for going ashore procedure took some time, and woe betide you if you miss your language while your brain gets in gear, by the time the announcement finished it was nearly time to get back on board.

As soon as the ship was cleared for passengers to go ashore the queues built up for the shuttle bus to the port gate, not enough buses and only a 3 minute bus ride - there must be a better way.  Every bus swamped immediately as soon as the doors opened, more like a dam burst than a bus boarding!

As you can expect by the time we got ashore all much more genteel, no queues, no waiting, no stress.

Once outside the port a short walk to the tram stop, tickets from the local Spar, a cheap all day ticket, then a tram into Blankenburge, a pleasant ride along the coast, sadly behind the dunes so no sea views.

Once in town a walk to the seafront, via the Australian Gelato shop, I have no idea why Australian but they sell delicious ice-cream.  Time for a coffee in one of the seafront cafe and a relax in the sun, the day warming up nicely now the early morning wind has died away.

Back through town, via the supermarket for essentials, Coke and Fanta today, then back on the tram for the return to Zeebrugge.  Somehow managed to find the wobbliest and rattliest tram for this run, not a patch on the earlier smooth ride, but made it in one piece.

Back on board for a sit in the sun on our balcony before an afternoon snack, just to tide us over.

Our chocolate covered strawberries and a bottle of Fizz was delivered this afternoon, to be saved for a bit later when it’s needed.

A leisurely afternoon and evening with time to watch the world go by and a latish sailaway just after sunset.

Day 1 Southampton

Monday 22nd April 2019

Here we are again back in dear old Southampton.  This time for just a quick tour of the delights of Northern Europe on the MSC Preziosa.

Boarding procedure certainly not the best but once on board all running smoothly and a bit of time exploring of the ship reminded us that this ship’s layout very much like our previous MSC voyage.  Generally entertained by the very much European passengers, everything a bit of a scrum, who knows what’s a queue?  The average age on board amazingly lower than our usual voyages, makes a nice change, hopefully we will still think the same in a few days!

Time for a bit of lunch in the buffet, pizza and pasta, well it is basically an Italian ship.  

Unpacking, more exploration and safety drill filled the afternoon until dinner.  Late sailaway tonight, not until about ten to nine, so not much else to mention, didn’t fancy the show so just a relaxing evening.

Thought I would throw in a snap of the "Crystal Staircase" in the Atrium, very bling!

Day 21 - Southampton

Sunday, 14th April 2019

Home again, usual early arrival.  Soon finished breakfast and finished the clearing of our stateroom and so ashore to find our ride home.

Makes a nice change to see all the spring colours in the leaves on the trees, not a bit like the desert landscapes of the Middle East.

Home in time for morning coffee and a walk round the garden to enjoy the tulips, etc.

Days 19 and 20 - at Sea

Friday and Saturday, 12th and 13th April 2019


North across the Bay of Biscay and into cooler weather.  Any fears of the famous rough seas in the bay proved completely unfounded.

This morning it’s the Officers Cocktail Party, not sure it’s such a good idea to partake of a couple of glasses of wine so early in the day.

The Rewind Project in the theatre tonight, ex-members of 10cc and the Moody Blues playing a selection of their hits plus a couple of extra songs from bands they have played/toured with,  certainly proved an excellent evening and very popular with the audience, still seems odd for all those “seniors” to be singing and dancing along with the band, luckily they played loudly so everyone could hear!


All a bit too near the end now.  So it’s a day for packing, redeeming our prize stamps (I must say the prizes have improved greatly since our last cruise) and saying goodbye to our various trivia team members.