Day 18 - Lisbon, Portugal

Thursday, 11th April 2019

Lisbon is the capital and the largest city of Portugal.  It is mainland Europe’s westernmost capital city and the only one on the Atlantic coast. Lisbon lies in the western Iberian Peninsula on the Atlantic  Ocean and the River Tagus.

Lisbon is one of the oldest cities in the world predating other modern European capitals such as London, Paris and Rome  by centuries.  Julius Caesar made it a municipum called Felicitas Julia, adding to the name Olissipo . Ruled by a series of Germanic tribes from the 5th century, it was captured by the Moors in the 8th century. In 1147, the Crusaders reconquered the city and since then it has been a major political, economic and cultural centre of Portugal.
Portugal and notably Lisbon is famous for it’s Pasteis de Nata (Pasteis de Belem), an egg custard pastry tart dusted with cinnamon.

Sail in with great views of the Belem Tower and the Monument of the Explorers, under the 25th April Bridge to our berth, nice new terminal, this was a building site last time we were here, all very smart now.

Late arrival in port today, apparently caused by head winds.  All the timings disrupted so morning trivia packed with people waiting for tours, not a seat to be had, but bit by bit all on their way and soon things settled down.

After morning coffee once all quiet we were off ashore to catch the shuttle bus.  Another new bus route today.  Seems the ship doesn't provide the shuttle buses anymore, so no need  for Cunard to charge for the bus, they are all complementary.  But the deal they have done means now the bus drops off in the shopping centre of towns and not in the best place for the tourist sites!

Once we worked out where we were we popped into a little shop to purchase half a dozen Pastis de Nata (for later) and set off down hill back towards the river.

The town was absolutely packed , four ships in port, plus tourists and there is a football match today, so lots of fans, all meaning there are queues for everything.  Seems a bit early but the beer is already flowing, not a good sign for being in the town later.

So for us it's a steady stroll though the town and along the seafront back to the ship.

Nice and quiet on board.  Back to normal routine for the rest of the day.

This evening it’s off to the alternative dining for an Aztec dinner, that's Mexican to you and me, delicious!

After dinner up to the theatre, "Hollywood Rocks”, a performance of song and dance numbers from the musicals.

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