Day 7 at Sea

Sunday 28th April 2019

Heading West today, sailing distance 449nm to Le Havre.

First a visit to immigration to get passports checked, very quick. Breakfast buffet absolutely packed, must be something to do with first day of a new cruise.  No real holdups, just seems really busy.  Then off to the morning trivia, a bit better today, more normal questions, must watch more Coronation Street, East Enders, Home and Away, etc. (I don’t think!) we would get more right answers if we had!  Still managed a win so one of the cruise targets achieved.

Weather remains good, mostly sunny though a cool breeze, definitely need a sheltered spot to sit out.

After a prom round the deck and a sit on the balcony in the sun tried out the Phoenician Plaza for a sandwich, a slice of cake and a half share in a banana split for lunch, all very good.

Another trip to the theatre tonight, this time it’s “The Mask”.  Seemed like a very similar show with more or less the same acts with some new costumes (including a green faced man) and some slightly different songs and dances.  

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