Day 15 - at Sea

Monday, 8th April 2019

Sailing distance from Civitavecchia to Barcelona - 441 nm.

Passing between Corsica and Sardinia through the Strait of Bonifacio today.

Pretty much a regular sea day, 

Managed to fit in a visit to the Planetarium for a live presentation of exploring the night sky.  Presented by the guest speaker Paul Fellows of the Royal Astronomical Society.  All the presentation display of stars set to show the view of the night sky as it would be from our location and times through the coming night.  Additional closeup images of special features of the sky overlaid for clarity.  All made clear, only hope some of the info can be retained long enough to actually identify stars in the night sky.

Tonight's show started with the Cunard Singers and Dancers for a half show followed by Phillip Browne for the second half.

Time enough to get up to top deck for some actual star gazing, narrated by Paul Fellows, lights on deck reduced to a minimum.  An astronomical telescope provided by the ship to assist, even though a steady image proved difficult in the wind, binoculars really much more suitable.  A really clear sky provided by pure luck allowing for great viewing.  Perhaps some of the knowledge gained really will be retained at least long enough to be reinforced!

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