Day 5 at Sea

Friday 26th April 2019

Heading south today, sailing distance 375 nm to Hamburg.

Weather still mostly cloudy though some signs of blue sky promises for an improvement.

Tried our second quiz today, the rather strange word association game again, did even worse today, not certain our brains are wired up the same as the quizmaster.

This morning it’s the welcome back cocktails party.  Not sure about these morning drinking events!  Also a funny day for a welcome!

Sun came out for a while, then some rain, then just dull followed by a bit brighter, the weather can’t make up it’s mind today. On the days when no-one goes on deck it does make for a busy ship.

And this afternoon off to our second cocktail party of the day, this time it’s a “Highly Exclusive” event for Black Card holders of the MSC Voyagers Club.  A  step up in drink selection for this one, also refreshments provided, well the canapés came round once then disappeared back into the kitchens never to be seen again!

This evening off to the theatre for the show, tonight it’s “the best of”, another mixture of the previous shows, it was mostly the same as the one we saw a couple of days ago with some slight changes in the routines.

Then to the buffet for supper and a spectacular sunset at the back of the ship.  

Bodes well for tomorrow, we could do with some sailor’s delight.  Already joining the shipping lanes for Hamburg, more lights and more ships in evidence.

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