Days 5, 6 and 7 - at sea

Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 29th 30th and 31st March 2019

Leaving the Arabian Sea, on through the Gulf of Aden and into the Red Sea and on up the Gulf of Aqaba

Sailing distance from Salalah to Aqaba = 1911nm


A day at sea so not too much rush.

Nice easy start, other than a quick call down to the bowels of the ship to collect tickets for the planetarium for later.

Breakfast then off to trivia, hooray our first win, 20 out of 20 and a win in the tie-breaker - our first stamps on our prize passport, pressure off for the rest of the cruise - target achieved.

After coffee off to the planetarium to enjoy the presentation, today it's "stars over the Atlantic", a perfect easy reminder of a few easily seen constellations and their relationship and where the Milky Way fits in, very useful at home when the Milky Way disappears in the light polluted sky.

Navigation today is along the IRTC, this is the Internationally Recommended Transit Corridor.  A protected route through this area, we have Russian, Indian and Chinese warships somewhere nearby.

Our route takes us at about noon to within 50nm of Yemen and 112nm of Somalia.

Time for a few laps of the prom' before afternoon tea.

Afternoon trivia soon followed by the music quiz, neither a great result.

So, soon time to get ready for dinner, quick stop at the jewellers for a free glass of champagne.

Then up to the buffet, couldn't face the main dining room again today.

Followed this by again taking advantage of the dark decks for some star gazing.  Another amazing show put on by the universe. Such a shame so few stars seen in the skies at home even on the best nights.

And so time to retire to bed.


Today we  passed through the Bab-El-Mandeb Strait, at it’s narrowest 16nm wide between Yemen and Djibouti, into the Red Sea, and heading in a more northerly direction,  we are out of the pirate prevention zone, so no more dark rights!

Breakfast, trivia, coffee, same routine, plus time for a prom, must keep up the step count.

Today at about noon we are within 90nm of Yemen and 75nm of Eritrea.

Then to the matinee performance by "The Ida Girls" in the theatre.  A mix of opera, stage show and movie numbers.

Then to the buffet ready for afternoon tea.

The Red Sea wasn't, apparently the algae [blue/green] in the autumn dies and turns red, staining the sea.

Afternoon trivia, and then spent some time on balcony, sunny on our side this afternoon.

Time to get ready for Gala Dinner, so it's on with the suit and bow tie.

Lobster tail tonight!

Then to theatre for the Cunard Singers and Dancers in "Rhythm of the Night". A show of mainly Latin songs with some spectacular dance numbers.

Time for a quick supper, coffee and Kaisersmarren, a German pancake concoction - delicious!


Continuing to head north into a stiff breeze though the Red Sea.

Pretty normal day, breakfast, trivia (another win) then a prom round the deck.

Still sunny but not many on deck due to wind.

Today at about noon we pass within about 80nm of Egypt and Saudi Arabia on our Port and Starboard sides.

Just another normal sea day, tea, trivia, dinner.

It still amazes us how each day we seem to meet more passengers who we recognise as acquaintances from last years cruises. 

Early night, as early start tomorrow

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