Day 17 - at sea

Wednesday, 10th April 2019

Sailing west today mainly following the south coast of Spain, not too distant.  Great views of the Sierra Nevada with snow!  A sea day so not too much to say, even so couldn’t get to everything as Cunard seem to delight in setting up times for activities which clash.

Today the ice sculpture and chocolate buffet display on offer at lunchtime, very popular!

Planetarium show, “Wildest Weather in the Solar System”, all about the storms and winds on the planets.

Today a presentation was made by one of the passengers, Lord Jarrow, about the sinking of the Titanic, he had brought along a huge collection of documents, letters and memorabilia about the Titanic.  All very interesting if rather too much concentrating on the conspiracy theories surrounding the sinking.

This afternoon our turn for the complementary wine tasting, Argentinian wines on display today, very nice but no sales.

Late afternoon sailed through the Straits of Gibraltar, more great viewing, this time of the Rock, and so out into the Atlantic.

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