Day 12 - Ajaccio, Corsica

Wednesday 3rd October 2018

This lively and colourful city is redolent of Napoleon. Bars and cafés, squares, statues and souvenirs, the house where he was born, the cathedral, the museum, you cannot avoid him. But Ajaccio alone does not provide a complete picture of Corsica, and this ‘Island of Beauty’, as the French know it, must be explored to be appreciated.

Leisurely start today, time to let the crowds clear.

Today just off ashore for a walk round the town.

Went along the seafront and past the citadel and on along the promenade. Took advantage of the very convenient nice little town beach for a quick paddle in the sea.  Should have put swimmers on for a proper swim, very tempting.

One of many Palm Trees along the seafront

Then on up to the Place de Gaulle, a large square dedicated to General (later President) de Gaulle, he only rated a small plaque. Here is located one of the many statues of Napoleon Bonaparte. This one includes his four brothers.

Continued on though the town to the fountain at the top of the market, and here is Napoleon again, this time with lions in attendance.

Just round the corner viewed Napoleon's birthplace. Decided not to go in, just a few external photos.  Just can’t get away from Napoleon hereabouts.

Then checked out the market. Lots of locally produced foods, cheeses, meats, olives etc. all looked a bit flyblown, no sale.

Back to the ship to enjoy the sun.

Dinner tonight in the main dining room, formal dress again, and lobster tail for dinner. All six at dinner tonight. First time all together!

Off to the theatre for the "Sounds of the Sixties" with a band called The Revolvers. A mixture of pop songs from the sixties, all sort of artist’s songs.  A very good hour of familiar numbers, lots of sing-a-long to join in with.

Then to the Golden Lion for the evening trivia, romantic movie theme, fair effort but no prize.  Too many questions about dates of release etc.

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