Day 26 - Kotor, Montenegro

Wednesday 17th October 2018

Kotor was, for centuries, a crossroads for commerce and culture, containing a well preserved medieval centre. Situated in the Bay of Boka Kotorska and surrounded by mountains, it is one of the best living examples of the region’s history with a medieval walled city and Venetian influences.

Early sail in this morning, as the Captain said the scenery very reminiscent of a Norwegian fjord, but with no Snow!  

Anchored quite close off shore to the town of Kotor.

Fairly early meeting time on board for today's excursion.

Tenders in operation today, just a very short run ashore, met our guide on the dock and off we go into the city, entering by the Sea Gate, once only accessible by water.  

The town all looks rather smart.  She gave us a potted history of the town, it’s buildings and monuments.

Lots of very nice historic houses, classed as palaces, once owned by the families of rich merchants, the area being a major centre of seafaring.

Also a great many churches, orthodox the most popular religion hereabouts.

Now the city mainly geared towards tourism with lots of restaurants and souvenir shops.

Moving on through the city we reached the start of the climb up the walls of the Kotor fortress.  A 4.5 km fortification surrounding the town and the hill of St. John which overlooks the town.

And up and up.

500 plus steps to the church of Our Lady of Health.

Then on again zig-zagging our way up to the Castle of St John, 260 meters above the town, reached by 1350 steps in total, I didn’t count these steps myself either, though it’s equivalent to 79 flight of stairs according to my phone.

Wonderful views on the way up and from the top. PanoramIc views over the valley, the surrounding hills and the old walled city.  Very picturesque tiled roofs and wonderfully jumbled layout of the town.

All too soon time to descend. Luckily the ascent whilst the climb was in shade the sun soon moving round on the descent, getting pretty hot.  Though not sure it's much easier going down than up.

Back through town, roundabout route to make sure we went down the narrowest street, just wider than shoulder width! then back onto the tender to return to the ship.

A quick snack and a welcome rest then back to town for a leisurely look round the town and to get an ice cream.

Back again to the ship in time for afternoon tea and some time resting in the sun.

Sailaway just as night draws in.

Tonight dinner in the Lido, German theme tonight, sauerkraut and wurst etc.  Also Kaiserschmarren for dessert.  A pancake concoction with apple and sultana served with a plum sauce - delicious.

After dinner off to the theatre for tonight's show, "Hollywood Rocks" songs from the movies.

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