Day 7 - Naples, Italy

Friday 28th September 2018

Situated on the bay of Naples opposite the imposing Mount Vesuvius, Naples is the perfect gateway to visit charming towns teetering on the edges of cliffs, or nestled into deep gorges, the fascinating ruins of Pompeii or Herculaneum, enchanting Isle of Capri and much, much more.

Another 6.30 alarm and another early excursion.

Just docking in Naples as our day got started. Our berth just alongside the “Serenity of the Seas”. Now that's one huge ship, about three times the passengers on our ship!

Quick breakfast and then off to join our tour group.

Today a walking tour of areas of Naples near the port with a dive underground through the Bourbon Tunnels then a pizza lunch. Naples always advertises itself as making the very best pizza and where it originated.

Luckily the walk was at quite a slow pace, “piano piano” as our guide said.  Up around the grim and gloomy Castle Nuovo and into the Piazza Plebiscito between the San Carlo Opera House, the 17th Century Royal Palace and the Basilica di San Francisco di Paolo.

Castle Nuovo

Basilica di San Francisco di Paolo

Short stop just nearby in a restaurant (“potty” breaks!, always a major concern to tour providers) which was ornately decorated and very smart.

Then a steady climb up though a street of shops and into an insignificant alley between apartments to get to the entrance to the tunnels.

Our tour group waiting at the entrance to the tunnel

Down 90 narrow steep steps to reach the first part of the subterranean chambers.

Many of the chambers were originally excavated to mine the golden yellow tufa rock which was then used to build most the old city.  Later many parts of the excavations were used as cisterns to store water for the Neapolitans.

One main tunnel was excavated to allow a connection between the royal palace and the military barracks.  This was to allow an escape route for the King of Naples in case of trouble and to allow for the reinforcement of the palace guard, all without having to be seen or to be at risk from the people.

Later even more tunnels were extended to join up various chambers to make through routes below the city.

The tunnels were adapted during WW2 as shelters for the people  of Naples during the extensive bombing.  Lighting, toilets, hospitals, etc. added to give a minimum level of comfort, certainly not luxurious with no privacy, but very safe at this depth. 

Post war many of the accessible tunnels were used as storage by the police for impounded cars and motorcycles (and the classic scooters!), many are still there, more than a little rusty.

The tunnels were closed but still used as an unofficial dump and forgotten by the authorities.

Later, after rediscovery and being cleared of accumulated rubbish by volunteers they were reopened for tours.

Catacombs and underground hidden cities are getting very popular for tourists everywhere. 

The exit from the tunnels is at street level, fortunately no need to climb the 90 steps, and out through another insignificant doorway.

It would be very tricky to find either entrance without a local guide.

Continued above ground along the waterfront and past the Castle of the Egg to reach our lunch stop.  Salad, Pizza, Cake and a glass of wine, all very good.

Leaving the group we took an independent walk back to the ship so as to make a couple of photo stops, notably the Galleria Umberto  the 1st where we also found our first Gelatto shop, delicious.

As we returned we had a clear view of both ships, it looked very much like Queen Victoria would fit just nicely down between the two rows of cabins on the Serenity!

Time for some sun and a cup of tea to recover from our walk.

All day the views of Vesuvius remained clear, all the way to the top, no sign of it’s usual crown of cloud.  It must still be strange for the 3 million people who live closeby to the only active mainland Europe volcano, living with the risk of another catastrophic eruption always a threat.

Early dinner before going to the theatre for tonights show. Today its the Cunard singers and Dancers sharing the show with the Barricade Bags.  Another excellent show, the Boys showing off with a repeat of Bohemian Rhapsody in full with harmonies.

Time for supper and off to bed. Thank goodness, no morning trip tomorrow, afternoon only.

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