Day 9 - at Sea in the Ligurian and Balearic seas

Sunday 30th September.

Last night rounded the north end of Corsica.

Today the sea remains calm, blue skies with only a few scattered clouds, another lovely day to relax at sea, none of that troublesome need to go ashore to tramp the streets or get on and off  coaches.

Attended the morning trivia. Very good attempt, got the first eight correct. All down hill from then on, think we managed just one more right!

Then time again to sit and enjoy the sun and watch the sea.

Afternoon music quiz by the Lido pool. Not too bad a result for us, though all the more recent stuff much more difficult. Also DJ Melo plays much too short an intro as a clue and then much to much of the track for the answers, and then he talks over the music.

Just a little afternoon tea, then time to catch up on homework before getting ready for dinner in the main dining room, gala dress code tonight. Thought we had better go to save our seats, they might forget who we are.

After dinner off to the theatre for tonights show. this time it's "A stroke of Genius", Cunard Dancers and Singers with a show based on famous artists, a good show with good music not notably anything to do with art though.

Finished the evening in the "Golden Lion" for the trivia with our friends. Good effort, but no stamp, a few bad choices between optional answers made all the difference.

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