Day 31 - Alghero, Sardinia

Monday 22nd October 2018

Alghero belonged to the Catalans of Spain for nearly 400 years, and the evidence of its past surrounds you. The quaint old walled city is a delight to explore and the surrounding countryside and coastline are a wonder to behold. Alghero also boasts a wonderful coastline for you to discover, above or below the amazing azure waters.  The town is enclosed by robust, honey coloured sea walls, its a tightly knit enclave of cobbled lanes, Gothic palazzi and cafe lined piazzas.  Below the walls yachts crowd the marina.

Tender port today, so woken this morning by the anchors running out and the tender boats being launched.

Cooler start today, some cloud first thing, clearing, and a bit of a breeze. Is it autumn coming already?

As usual rather long queues for the tenders, so there’s time to fill with trivia, cryptic corner and morning coffee until the queue has cleared.

Into the tender for a 20 minute run ashore.

Once in Alghero it's into the old town for a walk round, it being another port with impressive walls and fortifications.

This time it’s a city influenced by it’s occupation and control by Catalan Spain, even though it’s now part of Italy the Catalan legacy remains including the language.

The traffic free cobbled streets are a delight, and not busy, ours being the only ship in port.  The streets nicely decorated with overhead lamps contained within patchwork cylinders.

The Basilica style Cathedral very impressive and strangely dark inside in  stark contrast to the sunlit streets.  These Basilica always lack much in the way of windows, stained glass or otherwise, but make up for it with highly decorated altars and statuary.

A pleasant walk along the top of the city walls bordering the coast revealed the clarity of the seawater, delightful sea of blue and turquoise.

Displayed along the walls were also examples of historic weapons of war, cannon, trebuchet and catapult.

As most of our stops we found a very nice gelato.

Back in time for afternoon tea.

Dinner tonight in the main dining room as we sailed away from our anchorage.

Then to the theatre for tonights show, "Angel", with Eleonore and Jeremie. An acrobatic show of balance, strength and aerial gymnastics,  most impressive.

Day at sea tomorrow.

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